About us
Health & Wellness Programs
Reiki for  Chronic Pain
Manage Stress
Individual Counseling
 Marriage Counseling
Family Counseling
Eating Disorders
Substance Abuse Group
Self-Esteem Enhancement
How to Find Us
Articles & Resource Links
 Help for Panic Disorder
Coping With Grief
Problems With Control?

The following links will provide you  with futher information on some of the techniques I use with my clients.  In addition, I have added sites that have useful information regarding mental health, counseling, and wellness and health issues.

www.psych-k.com  PSYCH-K® resource website

www.emofree.com      Emotional Freedom Technqiues

www.Sedona.com   The Sedona Method

www.nqa.org      Qigong National Association

www.qi-journal.com     Qigong Journal

www.webmd.com         Information on health, wellness, nutrition

www.LungUSA.org      American Lung Association 

www.ANAD.org             National Association of Anorexia Nervosa & Associated Disorders

www.calmclinic.com      Information on anxiety and treatment

www.zingfitness-health.com      My blog on mental health and related topics Consulting Room.html    My live chat room

  LifeDimensions  1581 Carol Sue Ave.  Suite 211, Gretna LA 70072 (504) 392-3498