" God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference."--The Serinity Prayer
If you or a love one is suffering with an alcohol or drug problem, I want you to know that there is hope. People recover from addictions everyday. But it takes courage to make the right choices in your life. It takes wisdom to make the decison to seek help.
Let's face it, no one likes to admit they have an addiction problem. And unfortunately, many people do not seek help until they are arrested for drunk driving(DWI), tested positive for drugs on the job, or their spouse has threatened divorce.
While some patients need intensive outpatient or inpatient treatment for their substance use disorder, not everyone does. Yet many substance abuse programs have a one size fits all orientation. If you have completed a program, need individual after care, or looking for more individualized treatment, you may want to consider individual outpatient therapy.
Research shows that people are most successful in recoverying from an addiction when the treatment is holistic, that is, it address all of the person's needs:
We recognized that not everyone is a full-fledge addict and needs intensive treatment. So we always do a comprehensive addiction evaluation and take a good psychosocial history to determine the appropriate level of care that you need.
All effective treatment programs contain three components.
Detox--Medical management of withdrawel symptoms
Counseling--Addiction education and relapse prevention
Aftercare--Ongoing recovery support through AA/NA and ALANON
For example, if you have an ongoing history of excessive drinking, you may have to attend an inpatient detox program before entering our program to help you safely deal with alcohol withrawel symptoms.
On the other hand, clients with a history of abusing opiates or pain prescription medication may attend our program and go through detox on an outpaitient basis. They can also receive medication to help them deal with opiate withdrawel.
Some clients , however, may not need any type of detox program.
The important things is that you talk with a professional addiction counseler or therapist who can provide you with the right information so you can make the right choice.
While the focus of treatment is psychoeducational in nature, teaching client skills on how to abstain and maintain sobriety, we also provide individual and family counseling .
Counseling and other behavioral therapies are critcal components of virtually all effective treatment.
For clients dealing with individual issues like depression, anxiety, or marital conflict, indiviudal and family therapy are often a must to insure ongoing recovery success.